Principal investigator

Prof. Jong Bum Lee

         [Tel] +82-2-6490-2372


[Adress] RM313, UOS innovation complex. University of Seoul. Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul. 02504.
Republic of Korea.


Ph.D. Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University

Ithaca, New York (2007)
(Thesis Title: Synthesis of DNA-templated functional materials
  and their applications)
Advisor: Dan Luo

M.S. Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University

             Ithaca, New York (2007)

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Sogang University

            Seoul, Korea (2002)


Post Doc. Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                Cambridge, Massachusetts (2010-2011)
                Advisor: Paula Hammond
Post Doc. Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
                Ithaca, New York (2009-2010)
                Advisor: Dan Luo