Drug Delivery


Fabrication of Multiscale/Multifunctional Nucleic Acid-based Structures

Developing biocompatible materials that can be directly conjugated to living organisms is a subject of interest. Studies related to biomaterials should be able to select the materials that minimize bio-toxicity and give them the desired functionality.

Our research group is focused on the potential of biocompatability of nucleic acid-based materials. Our researchers are working on building a biomaterials based on nucleic acid using the biocompatibility and programmable properties of the nucleic acid.

  • Key publications

Universally Applicable RNA Membrane-based Microneedle System for Transdermal Drug Delivery

We demonstrate a novel RNA membrane-based approach for a universally applicable microneedle system. A new RNA microneedle system prepared by direct RNA assembly creating a macro-scale membrane, which can form into multiple shapes with great control and has never been translated to the development of microneedle-based drug delivery systems, has been described. This new approach opens up a general route towards the fabrication of tailor-made microneedles for efficient transdermal drug delivery.

Dajeong Kim, Hyejin Kim, Peter C. W. Lee, Jong Bum Lee

Read more... Material Horizons, 7, 1317-1326 (2020)

Self-assembly of free-standing RNA membranes

Nucleic acids possess a number of properties that can be beneficial for the fabrication of nanomaterials. Here, the authors present an enzymatically synthesised RNA membrane, and show how its physical properties can be controlled by changes to base-pairing.

Daehoon Han, Yongkuk Park, Hyejin Kim, Jong Bum Lee

Read more... Nature Communications 5, 4367 (2014)